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Showing posts from 2010

Another Union Jack Portrait

A couple of weeks ago I had the perfect client, although I didn't know it until they arrived for their second sitting.  The first sitting didn't quite go to plan, for various reasons, resulting in two children who pretty much had enough.  Unfortunately though, the perfect shots I had planned went out the window when we lost their attention after about 5 minutes.  We perservered, hoping to get a few we could work with until we finally thought there was no point.  So I rescheduled for 2 days later.  I wasn't going to give up.  It wasn't there fault they got bored.  We just needed to tackle the session better the second time ensuring we were all fully prepared.  But I still had a look through what we got because I remembered seeing one image that might be worth something.  I prepared it to show the family when they came back for their second sitting.  It turns out that this image is all I needed.  They got what they wanted without the second sitting afterall.  They ord

2 More Golds and a Nomination

Well it looks like I am having a pretty good week.  Not only did I find out that I received another 2 golds for images submitted in the monthly competition but I was also informed that I have been shortlisted for Baby Portrait Photographer of the Year with the image below.  I have to wait until January though to find out if I've won.  Still it feels pretty good to know I've made it to the top 3 in my category.  Fingers crossed I come home with a trophy.  It has been my dream since I began nearly 5 years ago. This is my third time in this position so here's hoping for third time lucky. And the following 2 images are my other golds. 

Amanda and Carl's Bump

I am just loving doing bumps and babies.  It is so rewarding.  Between having wonderful subjects and such happy and friendly clients I really couldn't ask for more out of my job.  The only down side is the slight envy I feel wishing I could have another baby myself.  Then I see my 7 year old again and I'm reminded of why I am done having babies.  Babies are great, but then they grow up.  It always amazes me how comfortable clients are during these shoots.  Very thankful too actually as the more comfortable they are the more I am, which is rather important during one of these sessions.  I'm looking forward to baby arriving now as they have plans to come back for some newborn photos as well.  This will give me a chance to use some of my new props from a recent trip to an antiques fair.  I can't wait.

Another Client Returns

I first met this family nearly 4 years ago.  I photographed their boys after having met them at playgroup.  We've been friends ever since.  In fact it amazes me how many of my friends I first met as clients.  Its a good feeling knowing that these people who come into my life through my portrait business have remained in my life as friends.  I wouldn't have expected that when I started out but I am glad its worked out that way.  I've met some wonderful people.  Including this family, with their angelic looking children.  And I say 'angelic looking' childen for a reason.  Their parents would be the first to admitt that they are not always angels.  They have the most amusing stories to tell which I am sure will go down well at an 18th birthday or other special occasion in future.  Anyway, as usual, these boys photograph well.  Their smiles and their eyes are absolutely gorgeous.  I could photograph them all day, not that they would let me.  T

Baby Freddie

Here are some images from another one of my new baby sessions.  I've been so looking forward to posting these too since I bought a new prop especially for this session but unfortunately have had to wait because this was done as a surprise for Freddie's daddy's 30th birthday.  I am so loving taking photos of really young babies.  Overall it is proving to be the easiest, although most time consuming, of all my sessions.  By easiest I should probably say the least stressful because we really take it easy during the session.  There is never a rush and for the really young ones there's no point trying to make them smile.  Basically, they do what they want when they want and we just take what we're given, which works just fine with me seeing as they are basically perfect little angels at this age anyway.  The first image (Made in Britain) is one of my favourites.  I couldn't resist this prop when I saw it as the colours, vibrancy and the currentness of th

Baby Ashley, While Still in Mummy's Tummy

I completely forgot that I haven't yet posted my photos of Ashley's mum.  He was born so soon after this session and in the end the viewing for these photos didn't happen until after Ashley's newborn session.  As I don't like to post any images until after the viewing these had to wait.    But I was so keen to post Ashley's photos as they were different to anything I had done before that I posted them first.  So things are a little out of order here. As you can see I've once again been able to utilise my growing collection of organza to great effect. In fact I think its time I grew the collection to include a few more colours, especially seeing as I've got another bump session in a couple of weeks.  I can feel a trip to the shops coming up.  Won't my husband be happy to hear that.  It would seem that the product ordered here is becoming rather popular. I sell at least one of these at almost every session. Its a good way of displ

Baby Isobel

Recently I had the pleasure of photographing little Isobel.  She was an angel and a joy to photograph.  So much so I was left wishing I could have another baby.  This is the downside of doing what I do.  It makes me long for the days when my little girl was this little.  I adored having a baby.  And I so wish I had the equipment, skill and props I now have when I had my baby so I could have the sort of portraits I've been taking lately.  Don't get me wrong, I did take loads of photos.  I think I took 10,000 images by the time she was 1.  And I love my photos.  But they aren't the sort of images that I would want to see hanging on a wall in elegant frames.   Nor would they have enlarged well having taken them on a little compact camera. And for some reason it didn't occur to me to go to a professional when she was so little. I regret it now though.  I would love nothing more than to have a really beautiful image of my daughter as a baby.  Something t


I met Lyn while working with the local Scout group to help them achieve their photography badge.  The organiser of our project had invited Lyn (County Chairperson) along to see what the Burbage Scouts group got up to.  From there we got chatting and she became interested in having a photo done for her husband for their anniversary as a surprise.  Well it was their anniversary this weekend so I am finally allowed to post them on my blog and Facebook.  I have to admit that I am always worried when photographing women.  Most women, no matter how good the photo, hate seeing themselves in pictures.  Which makes for a rather large challenge on my part.  But Lyn was a great subject and the results are something we are both pleased with.  I've not yet heard from Lyn but hopefully her husband is too.

Lucia Framed and on the Wall

It was my pleasure this weekend to present an order to one of my clients. Their order included 2 extra large frames of two images I really loved. And it was an extra pleasure to be invited over to see them hanging on their wall (which incidently was a job completed the very same evening they took the frames home, something I'd struggle to get my husband to do). I was thrilled to see the portraits hanging on the wall, looking so prominent and as though the room was designed around them.  Especially in such a lovely home as this. Their home is gorgeous, and nothing out of place.  I can only dream of such a home, but then again, their child is still a baby.  It could all change.  This is exactly how I have always intended my work to be displayed. It made me very proud. I hope to have the honour of being able to do this more often with my clients. I can feel a collection coming on.

Baby Ashley James

I am really loving photographing babies again.  So much so that I've been spending hours trolling through websites trying to find more props and plan to visit the Peterborough Antiques Fair at the beginning of next month in the hopes of finding some great stuff to use.  I always keep an eye out for props but now I have something quite specific in mind.  This is largely to do with my recent sitting with Ashley James.  I never realised you could do so much with a relative newborn.  Even though I've had my own I still didn't feel comfortable asking a new mum to put their baby into positions I only thought possible of older children.  But it worked and the results are fab.  Ashley looks absolutely adorable in these images and I only wish I had the skill and equipment back when my daughter was born.  In fact, it makes me want another just so I can spend hours photographing my own baby.  Unfortunately I think it would result in me becoming a single parent thoug

Finally, Another Gold Award

Its been a while since I've won a gold in the SWPP's monthly competition.  But finally I've done it again.  I must admit that I've not been entering much lately.  The motivation to compete has been lost somewhat in recent months but as a spur of the moment decision I decided to enter a few for the month of August.  And amazingly I had only taken the winning image earlier that afternoon. It wasn't until late evening, just before I was due to log off that I suddenly remembered that it was the 31st.  The last day to enter.  I had just over an hour to submit my entries.  I perused through my images trying to decide what, if anything, was competition worthy.  I narrowed it down to 5 for various different categories. Amazingly the very next day the category with my winning entry had been judged.  And there beneath my photo sat a G for Gold.  So this photo will now go forward to the annual awards giving me the chance to win Baby Photographer of the Year.  This will mak

Baby Lucia

I'm starting to do baby portraits regularly again and loving every minute of it.  Especially when I get shots like this next one.  I love it.  I only wish I had something like this of myself and my daughter.  Unfortunately as the photographer I rarely get shots of myself.  Not that I'm complaining.  I am quite happy sitting behind the camera and not in front of it.  Once we got this shot I knew what we needed next, a matching set.  So we produced this one.  And now this is what my clients will be featuring as a focal point in their newly decorated lounge, side by side and extra large.  Just how I intend my portraits to be viewed.  The order goes in this week and I can't wait to see the finished product.    Here's a prime example of how my clients inspire me.  Lucia turned up with a gorgeous pink tutu.  The colour is so vibrant and made for some lovely portraits.  Unfortunately Lucia is still a little too young and being unable to sit up made it hard t

Another Portfolio Shoot

I love doing shoots like this.  This little boy was a joy to photograph, so much character and seemed so comfortable standing before the camera. And it makes it easier having a subject who can take instruction, unlike the babies I've been photographing lately, although I enjoyed them too but for different reasons. I'll be posting some of them soon but want to wait until they're parents have seen them first. Anyway, this little boy is trying out for a part in a film so fingers crossed that he gets the part. He certainly has a good look as far as I am concerned.  As they say, the camera loved him. 

I'm Back and its About Time

First, I can't believe where the summer has gone.  It just seemed to disappear in a blink of an eye.  I hadn't intended on taking this much of a break from my blog, but I knew I couldn't keep up with regular postings with my daughter off school for 6 and a half weeks.  Still I hadn't realised it has been this long.  Sorry about that.  It shan't happen again (until at least next summer, I hope).  Anyway, I've had a great summer so far which even included a trip to Turkey where the weather was fantastic (so much better than here).  I now see why the British holiday abroad each year.  You need it so you can get through a British summer.  As you can see, I can't get away from photography, no matter where I go.  In fact I even brought two cameras with me (but managed to leave the large lense at home).  I feel very uneasy without a camera, like I could be missing out on a great Kodak moment. And I really enjoy collecting portraits of the kids so we can lo